
Colonel Steve A. Erickson
Commandant, Army Sustainment University
COL Erickson commissioned in 1996 in the Armor Branch after graduating from North Georgia College (University of North Georgia) with a BS degree in Criminal Justice. In 1998, as part of the Branch Detail Program, he transitioned to the Quartermaster Corps followed by the Logistics Corps.
COL Erickson currently serves as the Commandant & Acting President of Army Sustainment University (ASU), Combined Arms Support Command, Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia. He oversees the University’s mission of providing professional education and leader development for military and civilian logisticians and related professionals from the Army, joint, interagency and international communities, to include sustainment and logistics, operations research, acquisition leader education and training programs. His responsibilities include: direct supervision and management of all education programs conducted by the institution throughout the United States and internationally, using all modes of delivery including distance learning. These programs provide training and education to 40 percent of the Army’s leaders. COL Erickson provides leadership to and directs a multidisciplinary workforce of over 500 professionals in ranks through Colonel and GS15 equivalent, including Department of the Army military and Civilians, other DOD military, international officers, and contractor personnel. He oversees a budget of over $23M.
COL Erickson’s previously served as the Logistics Plans and Operations Division Chief/(J43), Directorate of Logistics and Engineering/J4, Headquarters, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Northern Command (NORTHCOM) at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado where he was responsible for the planning and coordination of logistics requirements in support of Homeland Defense, Defense Support of Civil Authorities, Security Cooperation, Counter Transnational Criminal Organization efforts and emerging Arctic missions.
His assignment history includes: Fort Stewart, GA: Tank Platoon Leader in the 4-64 Armor Battalion and Platoon Leader and Company Executive Officer in the 703d Main Support Battalion; Fort Hood, TX: Division Class IX Officer and BDE Maintenance Officer (OEF) for 1st Cavalry Division DISCOM, FSC (1-8 CAV) commander (OIF) in 15th FSB, and G4 Staff as the Division Logistics Plans officer (OIF) for 1 CD; Fort Lee, VA: QM BOLC and CLC3 instructor, QM Officer Proponent and XO to the QM General; Fort Benning, GA: 3/3ID BDE S4, 203d BSB SPO (OIF), and 203d BSB XO for 3ID, and Ordnance Training Detachment Commander for 194th Armor BDE (TRADOC) ; Ft Knox, KY: LTC Assignments officer and career coach, Human Resources Command; Fort Hood, TX: 215th Brigade Support Battalion Commander (ISO 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division); Fort Knox, KY: Branch Chief for the Logistics Branch, Officer Personnel Management Division, Human Resources Command; Ft Stewart, GA: Commander, 3rd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade where he handed off the unit colors in June 2021 before transitioning to NORAD & US NORTHCOM.
His military education includes Airborne School, Armor Basic Officers Course, Supply and Services Management Officers Course, Combined Logistics Officers Captains Career Course, Aerial Delivery Management Officers Course, Combined Arms Services Staff Course, Support Operations Course, Command & General Staff College, Demonstrated Master Logistician (DML) and the Air War College.
COL Erickson holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from North Georgia College, a Master of Science in Education/Leadership from Kansas State University, and a Master of Science in Security Studies from Air University.
His awards and decorations include: Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star (1 OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (5 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (4 OLC), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Iraqi campaign Medal (4 CS), Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge, the Parachutist and the Rigger Badges, and the Combat Action Badge. Other awards include: The Order of Saint Martin (Quartermaster Corps), Order of Samuel Sharpe (Ordnance Corps), as well as a recipient of the Noble Patron of Armor
Last Updated: 13 Novembar, 2024