Multifunctional Logistics NCO
Sustainable Path
A senior noncommissioned officer who possesses broad knowledge and experience and is qualified to fulfill several functions or roles within the sustainment warfighting function.
Exhibit the requisite knowledge, skills, attributes, behaviors, experiences, education, and desire to serve in positions which extend beyond traditionally assigned military occupational specialty (MOS) positions. Through a series of progressive and sequential assessments; display a strong grasp and understanding of both Sustainment and NCO Common Core Competencies. Possess the experiential depth to intelligently advise commanders on all matters; not only pertaining to enlisted members but also the execution of sustainment requirements and missions at the tactical, operational, and strategic level. Must have previous experience in organization to be assigned a broadening role.
The Soldiers that lead our Army are attending Advance and Senior Leader PME. We are responsible for ensuring they are prepared to be successful in a large-scale combat operation.
Multifunctional Logistician M1F (PDSI)
* Only for Enlisted Ordnance, Transportation, and Quartermaster service members in Grades E7-E9.
* ETP in place that allows for AG & FI servicemembers to apply as well.
* For ALL Components.
Please send the file as one single scrollable document for the Board Members review. This provides clear and efficient movement of your packet to ensure nothing is missed as members review criteria to be met before giving a vote. Please see below guidance:
• All submitted M1F documents must be compiled in one single PDF file, not saved as a Portfolio, in sequence as below:
- Ensure DODID # is in your packet. IOT to provide PERMANENT ORDERS
- All 7 items below must be received IOT to move forward for voting, no exceptions
- Board Members strongly urge highlighting key details for review and voting
- Leadership NCOERs must highlight leadership and responsibilities of at least 1 Soldier, NCO or Civilian. Senior Instructor or Senior Drill Sergeant accepted.
- Multifunctional Position- must highlight duties and/or responsibilities outside of primary MOS. Including but not limited to: SPO, SPO commodity manager, S3/ Ops, S4/ G4
- NCOERs (minimum of 2) may overlap demonstration of Leadership & Multi-functional roles
- Highlight earned credit hours, completion of/ or conferred degree
- JST alone will not account for the 60 credit hours
- Go to
- Click Courses tab along the top row, and click Browse Course Catalog
- Search "Support Operations"
- Course results should only present: 907-8A-FA90-551-F39-MC_2020_709_00a Options Menu: Course ID Support Operations Phase I
- Scroll over Course ID Code "907-8A-FA90-551-F39-MC_2020_709_00a" to see drop down arrows IOT click ENROLL
- OR a 40/80-hr military course outside NCO’s primary CMF but within Logistics field (no badge or tab producing courses)
- OR as provided through a civilian employer
- Licensure (CDL etc) or Technical Credentialling must be submitted as well, not just training attended/ completed for those that apply
All documents must be properly aligned/ rotated to present a seamless packet to scroll through in sequence.
Packet submissions:
LOGPRO email distribution box:
Reference: DA PAM 611-21, Table 1-2, M1F PSDI
Last Updated: 14 March, 2025