1997Army Sustainment Magazine Archives

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November-December 1997

Repair Capabilities

ASM Nov Dec 1998

Cover: These M114 155-millimeter towed howitzers are being inspected and repaired at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois. The 116 refurbished howitzers will be shipped to Bosnia and used by that Balkan nation’s armed forces. The M114 howitzer dates back to the mid-1940’s, undergoing the importance of the Army’s repair capabilities. Articles about Army repair processes begin on pages 26 and 32. (Photo by Ted Cavanaugh, RIA).

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September-October 1997

Depot Modernization

ASM Sep Oct 1998

Cover: Many changes were made in depot organizations and operations in the past several years. The cover photo shows an Air Force UH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter positioned on a repair and maintenance assembly line a t Corpus Christi Army Depot, Texas. Around the aircraft are custom-built work stands, electrical power sources, hydraulic carts, diagnostic tools, and test equipment. The article that begins on page 24 describes other modernization efforts that have improved depot facilities and operations.

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July-August 1997


ASM July Aug 1998

Cover: Besides supporting units deploying into Bosnia, the 7th Corps Support Group’s intermediate staging base (ISB0 in Hungary also has reconstituted returning forces. The story beginning on page 3 describes the 7-day reception, staging, onward movement, and integration proves the group uses in its reconstitution mission. On the cover, soldiers from an Alabama Nation Guard unit, the 158th Maintenance Company, replace the starter on a redeploying high-mobility, multipurpose, wheeled vehicle at the ISB.

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May-June 1997

Bridge of Fortune

ASM May Jun 1998

Cover: The bridge over the Sava River between Gunja, Croatia, and Brcko, Bosnia, became known as the “bridge of death” when it was bombed and over 80 refugees died. An assault float bridge served a replacement, but deploying U.S. forces needed something stronger to carry vehicles like the heavy transporter system shown on the cover. The building of a new bridge an its hopeful renaming as the “bridge of fortune” symbolize the peacekeeping mission of Operation Joint endeavor. See the story on page 24.

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March-April 1997

Road Warriors in the Balkans

ASM March-April 1998

Cover: Among the many stories of Operation Joint Endeavor was the deployment of the 181st Transportation Battalion – “the Road Warriors” – by motor convoy from Mannheim Germany, to the intermediate staging base at Kaposvar, Hungary. Once there, the battalion began supporting the move of Task Force Eagle into Bosnia. The saga of the Road Warriors begins on page 23. In the cover photo, an M1075 palletized loading system truck in ready to roll at Kaposvar.

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January-February 1997

Golden Cargo ‘96

ASM January-February 1998

Cover: The Golden Cargo exercises bring together logisticians of the active and reserve components to training peace as they world support in war. Stories and photos from Golden Cargo ’96 appear in this issue, beginning on page 24. Once focuses on the 70th Ordnance Battalion’s movement of live ammunition. The cover photo shows an ordnance soldier moving a pod of bombs toward the entrance of a bunker. The second article relates experiences of the reserve’s 19th Theater Army Area Command (CONUS Argumentation) in testing a satellite positioning system during the exercise.

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Army mariners from the 1099th Transportation Detachment, assigned to the SP4 James A. Loux, Logistics Support Vessel-6, load an Army vehicle onto the ship during a mission to Port Salalah, Oman, on March 6, 2016. (Photo by Sgt. Walter Lowell)

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