About ASU
ASU will train, educate, develop, and certify Army, Combined, and Joint professionals in sustainment, operational sciences, and leadership to excel in multidomain operations.
Empower multifunctional sustainment professionals, inspire lifelong learners, and motivate leaders to sustain the force and win.
ASU will develop leaders who are:
• Warfighting focused and globally aware
• Confident and competent
• Inclusive and cohesive
• Innovative and adaptive
• Stewards of the profession
Welcome to the Army Sustainment University (ASU). ASU consists of two campuses to provide military and DOD sustainment leader education. The Somervell Campus at Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia, delivers multifunctional logistician leader education for Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation branches. The Adams Campus at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, includes the Soldier Support Institute, which delivers Adjutant General and Finance and Comptroller leader education.
For more information about the Adams Campus, visit the Soldier Support Institute website at the SSI website.
The Somervell Campus comprises two university buildings that provide over 200 multi-use, reconfigurable classrooms, facilitating web-based teleconferencing, symposiums, and conferences. It is a state-of-the-art learning center that supports America’s Army logistics leaders and provides professional military education; civilian education; and joint, multi-national, and interagency education. Nine conference rooms accommodate ASU staff and faculty meetings and conferences. Classroom technologies include interactive whiteboards and instructor-controlled workstations that interface with student computers. ASU’s classrooms accommodate small groups of 20 and can be reconfigured to support up to 48 students. Twenty computer laboratories allow students to train on modern Army systems. Cameras in each classroom facilitate projects, presentations, and communication on a global scale.
The Army Sustainment University Library consortium consists of two libraries, one at Somervell Campus and another at Adams Campus on Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The Somervell Campus Library represents consolidated collections from the Quartermaster, Ordnance, Transportation, Adjutant General, and Finance and Comptroller schools, as well as the College of Applied Logistics and Operational Sciences. The Adams Campus Library offers collections from the Soldier Support Institute, which inherited collections from installation and academic libraries on Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. The branches represent a wealth of knowledge regarding sustainment and military doctrine and are a testimony to organizational changes over time within the Army. Additional library amenities include subscription databases, 45 CAC-login student workstations (Somervell Campus), 14 CAC-enabled student workstations (Adams Campus), a quiet training computer lab (Somervell Campus), and student study rooms (both campuses). The ASU Library is a member of the Army University Library System, which provides shared AULS subscription databases and a shared TRADOC-integrated library system. An FMWR community library is co-located within the Somervell Campus Research Library footprint and contains leisure reading materials for students, residents of Fort Gregg-Adams, and the surrounding communities.
ASU provides support to the Army Sustainment Professional Bulletin, a primary source of information on past, present, and future sustainment trends, initiatives, and operations for sustainers worldwide. Formerly known as the Army Logistician, this four-time Secretary of the Army Editor of the Year Award winner and winner of the Most Improved Publication continues as a valuable source for sustainers.
The Simulation and Training Center, or STC, is co-located on the Somervell Campus grounds. The STC supports university education programs as well as collective sustainment training exercises.
ASU features a mini-retail store, a full-service barber shop, classroom and library facilities, a simulation center, walking access to lodging, and a fitness center.
The Somervell Campus of ASU includes three colleges and an academy for military and civilian logistics leaders.
The Logistics Leaders College (LLC) conducts professional military education for officers ranging from lieutenants to colonels. The Basic Officer Leader Course for Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation lieutenants; the Logistics Captains Career Course; key functional courses like the Support Operations Course; and pre-command courses that prepare lieutenant colonels and colonels to command logistics formations are conducted by the Logistics Leaders College.
The College of Applied Logistics and Operational Studies (CALOS) conducts functional education and training of military and civilian students in the areas of joint, multi-national, operational, and strategic level logistics; operations research systems analysis (ORSA) education for the Army’s officers and civilian interns entering the ORSA career field; and acquisition and contracting education for both acquisition career field officers and civilians, and non-contracting professionals in the area of operational contracting support. The Intern Logistics Studies Program (iLog) prepares civilian interns for future leadership positions in Army logistics.
Instruction at the Logistics Noncommissioned Officer Academy (LNCOA) includes professional military education for all Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation non-commissioned officers at the staff sergeant and sergeant first class levels, attending their advanced and senior leader courses. As logistics branches make up 30-40 percent of the Army’s enlisted forces, this sustainment training for the NCO backbone of the Army keeps America’s Army supplied and maintained on time.
The Technical Logistics College (TLC) conducts professional military education for Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation warrant officers at the basic and advanced levels. As our technical sustainment experts in the field, warrant officer education and training remain highly specialized and detailed.
International Military Students from over 80 countries train at ASU in many of aforementioned courses.
In summary, ASU trains, educates, develops, and certifies Army and Joint professionals in Logistics, Adjutant General, Finance and Comptroller, operations sciences, and leadership.

Last Updated: 7 November, 2024