On-Post Lodging
If you have been notified that you will be lodged on-post, and you have a confirmed ATRRS (R) reservation for this class, the ASU PAL office has reserved a room for you. You do not need to make a reservation through the on-post hotel.
Lodging Per Diem
You are not authorized lodging per diem as this cost is covered under the Institutional Training Directed Lodging and Meal (ITDLM) program and paid directly to the hotel on your behalf.
Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE)
You are authorized Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE), in accordance with the current Joint Travel Regulation (JTR), due to the limited dining options available at ASU (no DFAC).
We highly recommended that your unit authorize a rental car if you are flying to Ft Lee. In and around mileage is not authorized for those authorized to use their POV and housed on post. Disapproval must be annotated on the travel order. In accordance with DoD Policy, you are required to have a Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) prior to attending school to pay meal and rental car expenses as applicable. Sending units are required to input all travel requirements using the Defense Travel System (DTS).
Students arriving TDY and staying at the Holiday Inn Express on Fort Gregg-Adams are NOT ALLOWED to bring their pets.
Off-Post Lodging
If you have been notified that you will be lodged off-post, you (or your command) are required to make your lodging reservations at a local off-post hotel through DTS, or as directed by your orders issuing activity. Statements of Non-Availability (SNA) are no longer required in order to make reservations for off-post lodging.
Lodging Per Diem
You are authorized lodging per diem in accordance with the current Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR)
Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE):
You are authorized Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE) in accordance with the JTR.
We highly recommended that your unit authorize a rental car if you are flying to Ft Lee. It is a unit responsibility to fund rental vehicles and authorize Privately Owned Vehicles (POVs). In and around mileage is not authorized for those housed off post and authorized to use their POV. Disapproval must be annotated on the travel order. In accordance with DoD Policy, you are required to have a Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) prior to attending school to pay meal and rental car expenses as applicable. Sending units are required to input all travel requirements using the Defense Travel System (DTS).
Traveling with a pet
Students deciding to bring their pet accept full personal and financial responsibility for the coordination, boarding, care, and support requirements for their pet. Please contact your off-post lodging provider for information and policies regarding pets.
Travel Guidance
Please see the attached administrative guidance regarding the preparation of Temporary Duty/Active Duty for Training (TDY/ADT) orders for training conducted under the purview of the U.S. Army Quartermaster School (QMS), U.S. Army Ordnance School (ODS), U.S. Army Transportation School (TCS), the U.S. Army Sustainment University (ASU), and U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) at Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia.
Please note, the attached message does not apply to soldiers attending training under the purview of the Army Training Requirements and Resources (ATRRS) school codes 145S, 507A, 890B, B091, BlOl, and B551.
Fort Gregg-Adams Institutional Training Travel Guidance Memo (LINK)