Student Hub: Admissions

ASU Registrar's Office may be contacted at: (804) 765-4149/8426 or Registrar email

Students may request their transcript by completing a form here and submitting it to the Registrar email here.

Reservations for nonresident classes (OS MTT) not posted on ATRRS at least 45 days before the class start date will be subject to cancellation. The approval authority for school attendance resides with the training officer, who must ensure that each nominee meets course prerequisites. Students who do not meet course prerequisites may be required to return to home station without training. Course points of contact found in the alphabetical course listing may be able to assist with clarification of a nominee's qualifications.

Procedures for nominating Reserve Component officers are outlined in Army Regulation (AR) 135-200. ASU’s Deputy Commandant, Army National Guard (ARNG), (804) 765-8007/DSN 539-8007, and Deputy Commandant , US Army Reserve (USAR), (804) 765-8008/DSN 539-8008, ( are available to assist Reserve component students with administrative issues and to provide academic and career counseling. Their mailing address is ARMY SUSTAINMENT UNIVERSITY, ATTN ATSZ NG (or ATSZ RC), 2401 QUARTERS ROAD, FORT GREGG-ADAMS VA 23801-1705.

The Security Assistance Training Field Activity Web site, , contains information on ASU course attendance by international military students. The ASU International Military Student Office (IMSO) assists students with administrative, social, cultural, recreational, and personal matters and solicits sponsors for international students while they are at ASU. Additional information on ASU's international military student program can be obtained by emailing IMSO at, or calling (804) 765-4012/DSN 539-4012. IMSO’s mailing address is ARMY SUSTAINMENT UNIVERSITY, ATTN ATSZ AI, 2401 QUARTERS ROAD, FORT GREGG-ADAMS VA 23801-1705.

(DOD) or Army training requirements are documented through the TACITS and the SMDR processes.


Commands nominating individuals who do not meet all course prerequisites must forward a complete justification for exception. Waivers must be received at least 30 days before the course start date for Joint Logistics 804-765-0745, Operational Contract Support 804-765-4373 and 14 days for GCSS-Army Middle Managers course 804-765-8303. Waivers received after the nomination due date will be accepted on a space-available basis. Failure to provide a required waiver may result in rejection of a nominee’s application. ATRRS users should indicate "waiver" in the remarks section of the reservation roster screen (RL display). Course points of contact found in the alphabetical course listing section of this catalog may be able to assist with clarification of a nominee's qualifications.

ASU School Codes - ASU’s ATRRS school codes are 907 (CPCE Fort Gregg-Adams campus); 907B (Logistics Leadership College); 907C (Technical Logistics College); 907D (Staff & Faculty development school); 601 (Logistics NCOA); 601B (Logistics NCOA, Ft AP Hill VA); and 438 (Fort Gregg-Adams/ ASU Troop School)