Logistics Leader College (LLC)


The Logistics Leader College develops sustainment leaders through officer and Multifunctional logistics leader education and development opportunities.


The Logistics Leaders College conducts professional military education for officers ranging from Lieutenants through Colonels. The Basic Officer Leader Course for Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation Lieutenants, the Logistics Captains Career Course, and key functional courses such as pre-command courses that prepare Lieutenant Colonels and Colonels for command of logistics formations.

• Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC): BOLC prepares lieutenants to serve in their accessed basic branches (Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Transportation). Preparing newly commissioned officers for their first duty assignment and instilling the Army Profession.

• Logistics Captains Career Course (LOG C3): LOG C3 develops, trains, and educates company level officers for duty as multifunctional logisticians. Creating agile leaders for success as company commanders and brigade/battalion staff officers.

• Pre-Command Course (PCC): PCC delivers relevant content to battalion and brigade commanders to support Chief of Staff of the Army's and CASCOM priorities. Fostering mission command knowledge and principles to enable commanders to effectively lead sustainment organizations.

Last Updated: 10 October, 2023